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    Why Backing Up Your Data is Essential?

    In today’s digital landscape, your website’s data is your most valuable asset. Yet, it’s more vulnerable than you might think. Server crashes, hacking attempts, or simple human errors can lead to instant data loss. Without proper backups, recovering from such incidents can take weeks or even months. This not only leads to significant financial losses but can also damage your reputation and disrupt your business operations. With our backup service, you can rest assured that your website’s data is protected from any unexpected threats.

    What Our Service Offers You ?

    Cybersecurity Protection

    Cybersecurity Protection
    Advanced measures to protect against ransomware and random cyber-attacks.

    Fast Recovery

    Fast Recovery
    Quick data restoration to minimize downtime and maintain business continuity.

     Expert Support

    24/7 Expert Support
    Continuous monitoring and dedicated support
    from the We Oris team to resolve any issues

    Free Storage

    Free Storage with Amazon AWS
    Your backups are protected against cyber
    threats with robust encryption, hosted on
    Amazon AWS for maximum safety.

    Incremental Backups

    Incremental Backups
    Save storage and resources by only
    backing up the changes made since the
    last backup, ensuring efficient use of your

    Automated Backups

    Automated Backups
    Regular, automatic backups with easy
    recovery options to avoid data loss.

    What will you get for just $60 per year?

    • Free Storage wit Amazon AWS
    • Automatic backups before updates
    • Backup Incrementally
    • More storage options
    • 1GB of Integrated Storage
    • Customizable Backup Retention
    • Restore from Other Plugins
    • Scheduled Backups
    • Backup to more than one location (Additional cost)
    • Ability to migrate the server to another (Additional cost)
    • Detailed Reports
    • WP-CLI Integration
    • More control
    • These services are additional as needed and a small fee is charged for the work.
    • These prices cover websites up to 10 GB in size; additional storage fees apply for larger sites.

    You can now request backup services to safeguard your data and enjoy greater flexibility in your work, along with high productivity. With the assurance of data recovery at any time, invest in your digital future today.

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